Thursday, March 24, 2016


What a great day we had today! The weather for our field trip was perfect. It was a little cool but I think that helped the animals stay active. The bobcats were running around and the tigers were up and moving as well.  Some of our groups were able to see the bears eating their vegetables and that was a treat! Thanks to all the parents who were able to come!  If you took any group pictures, please send them to my school address so I can have a copy. THANKS!

Reading Workshop-  We will begin our animal research. The zoo field trip was our "kick off" so we will begin our research this week.  

Writing Workshop-  Next week we will use our writing to help us with our animal research. We will learn how to "take notes" and write facts using our own words.  

Math-   We will continue to work on three digit addition with regrouping!  This concept is tough for second graders so please help your child at home.  You can give them problems such as 123+498= and have them solve.  You can also give them story problems. " The Longhorns ran for 132 yards.  The Aggies ran for 187 yards.  How many yards did they run in all?"

Science- We will continue our unit on animals! We will focus on mammals, fish, and birds next week. 

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. King

Friday, March 4, 2016

Wow!  It was so great to see so many of you at the Hoedown !  I think our class did a fantastic job and they were super excited all day!   Thank you for allowing your child to bring in their baby pictures!  We had a great time trying to guess our classmates! 

Reading Workshop-  We will begin our unit on folktales, fairy tales, myths, and legends.  This week we will concentrate on fairy tales. 

Writing Workshop-  Next week we will begin working on writing  a fairy tale. We are really going to focus on writing with complete sentences and using the correct punctuation.  

Math-   We will look at area this week and we will begin looking at addition with two digit numbers towards the end of the week. We will focus on adding numbers such as 42 + 68+ 23+ 54= 

Science- We will begin our unit on basic needs  of plants and animals and food chains.   

Class Brighteners- Congratulations to Benjamin!  He is our Star of the Week!  Happy Birthday to Taylor.  We hope your day is special 

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. King