Sunday, August 30, 2015

What a great first week we had!  I am so impressed with our class and how well they are adapting to our classroom rules and expectations. These first few weeks I really spend time going over our expectations as we transition from one subject to another.  Your child's responsibilities will definitely increase this year so setting a good foundation is extremely important.  On Friday I was amazed how well they came in and completed their "morning jobs".  Ask your child what they are responsible for when they first enter the classroom in the morning.  I know this will be a fantastic year if the first week was so amazing!

I wanted to remind you that our Parent Night is THIS Tuesday at 6:00. Please plan to attend and meet me in our classroom at 6:00.   I will go over important information about our class and expectations.  You can also take a look at some of the work your child has completed.    I am also looking for a volunteer to be our Homeroom Parent. If you are interested, please let me know.  I have a mom who is willing to split the responsibility so that is an option as well!

Here is our week of learning at a glance:

Reading Workshop-This week we will focus on selecting good books for us to read.  We will focus on I Pick  books that match our reading levels and interests. We will also focus on building stamina as readers and using our reading time to help us grow as readers. 

Writing Workshop-   We will begin our writer's workshop by selecting one small moment to write about this week.  We will focus on what good writer's do as they begin writing a new piece.

Science/ Social Studies-  We will spend the first part of the week talking about science safety and we will set up our science notebook . Later in the week, we will tie the subjects together by discussing what a scientist and historian have in common.   We will look at tools that they both use that are the same.  We will also focus on things they do that are different.  

Math-   We will begin our  unit on place value.  We will focus on numbers to 100 and building numbers using tens and ones.  

Class Celebrations:    Allison lost a tooth this week and we were able to add her name to our tooth graph! Many students were able to add a jewel to their behavior clip for outstanding behavior ! Since it was a short week, they had to earn 3 pink days on their behavior calendar in order to get a jewel!  We earned eight compliments  last week! We need only two more to earn another reward!

I hope you have a  fabulous week and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!

Mrs. King

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