Monday, August 26, 2019

Wow!  It's hard to believe this is only our second week of school!  We are doing such a great job learning our routines and procedures! Here is our week of learning at a glance: 

Reading: I can make connections (text to self, text to text, and text to world) with a story.

 Writing:I can write a small moment story using sketches and words. I can work with a writing partner . 

Math: I can write numbers using different forms. ( Standard form, expanded form, base 10 blocks, and word form). I can use a 100’s chart to compare numbers.

 Science: I can make safe choices with science tools.  

Class Celebrations:  

We ALL had enough points to cash in for rewards!  I am so proud of their behavior! Ellie lost a tooth today!  She was able to add her name to our tooth graph!

Upcoming Dates:

Sept. 2: No School
Sept. 6: Grandparents Day  
    at Lunch. Please RSVP by 
    visiting link on FCE 
Sept. 10: PTA Mtg 6pm

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