Monday, September 9, 2019

Happy Monday!  Just a friendly reminder that our library day has changed to Mondays so please have your child bring their library books on Monday.  Here is our week of learning at a glance:

Reading: I can describe the  main character of  a story.
Writing: I can write a small moment story using sketches and words.
Math: I can draw conclusions and answer questions from a bar and pictographs.
Science:  I can describe the physical properties of an object.
SEL (Social-Emotional Learning): I can have a growth mindset.

Class Celebrations

We would like to say congratulations to Hee-Jing! She was our first Student of the Week! We were excited to share her poster!  This week we look forward to learning more about Olivia who is our new Student of the Week. We also want to wish Olivia a very Happy Birthday! We hope your day is special!

Mark Your Calendars

Sept. 10: Walk & Bike to School
Sept. 10: PTA Mtg 6pm
Sept. 17: Coffee, Celebrations & Concerns with Mrs. Sharp 
 Sept. 19: Family Night @  MOD Pizza

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update. It's nice to see what the class is up to. 🤩
